El algoritmo de Kruskal sirve para crear el arbol de expansión mínima (ARM) de un grafo
A diferencia de Prim, kruskal no hace un recorrido por el grafo, sino que este partirá de un subgrafo sin aristas, e irá añadiendo aristas de forma que en cada paso se reduzca en 1 el número de componentes conexas del grafo hasta tener una sola
En caso de ser no conexo, al algoritmo parará cuando no puede encontrar una arista que reduzca el número de componentes conexas
- Se crea una lista de
ordenada por peso
- Se crea una bolsa donde el valor de cada posición representa la
a la que pertenece el nodo
- Se crea el array de aristas que forman parte de la
Bucle iterativoSe recorrerá el bucle hasta que no queden más aristas que añadir ó hasta que ya se hayan unido todos los nodos en un única componente conexa
- Se extrae la primera arista de la lista ordenada
- Si los nodos que conecta la arista (origen y destino) ya pertenecen a la misma componente conexa, se hace un salto hasta la siguiente iteración
- Se unifican los nodos de ambas componentes conexas en una sola
- Se añade la arista al array solución
# Kruskal algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree of a graph #
def sortCandidates(graph):
Given a graph, represented as a list of tuples, where each tuple is (weight, src, dest), this function will return a list of all the edges but sorted by weight, then by src, then by dest
# Flatten the list of edges
sorted = [edge for vertex in graph for edge in vertex]
# Sort by weight, then by src, then by dest
# Return the sorted list of edges [(weight, src, dest), ...]
return sorted
def joinConexComponents(conexComponents, newComp, oldComp):
Being `conexComponents` a list of labels for each vertex, `newComp` and `oldComp` are the labels of the components to join, this function will rename all the components with the label `oldComp` to `newComp`
for j in range(1, len(conexComponents)):
if conexComponents[j] == oldComp:
conexComponents[j] = newComp
def kruskal(graph):
Greedy Kruskal algorithm
It returns the total weight of the minimum spanning tree and the ordered edges that are part of the minimum spanning tree.
The graph must follow the format [(weight, src, dest), ...]
totalW = 0 # Total weight of the minimum spanning tree
candidates = sortCandidates(graph) # List of all the edges sorted by weight, then by src, then by dest with format (weight, src, dest)
conexComponents = list(range(len(graph))) # List of labels for each vertex
orderedEdges = [] # List of ordered edges that are part of the minimum spanning tree
# Greedy loop
i = 0
while i < len(candidates) and len(conexComponents) > 1:
weight, src, dest = candidates[i]
# If the current edge is not creating a cycle, then add it to the minimum spanning tree
if conexComponents[src] != conexComponents[dest]:
totalW += weight
joinConexComponents(conexComponents, conexComponents[src], conexComponents[dest])
i += 1
return totalW, orderedEdges
#################################################################### EXAMPLE ####################################################################
# Refactor the graph to fit the algorithm expected input format: [(weight, src, dest), ...]
def formatEdges(g):
newG = []
for i in g:
for src, dst, w in i:
newG[-1].append((w, src, dst))
return newG
### MAIN LOOP ###
if __name__ == "__main__":
g = [
[(1, 3, 1), (1, 4, 2), (1, 7, 6)],
[(2, 5, 2), (2, 6, 4), (2, 7, 7)],
[(3, 1, 1), (3, 4, 3), (3, 7, 5)],
[(4, 1, 2), (4, 3, 3), (4, 5, 1), (4, 6, 9)],
[(5, 2, 2), (5, 4, 1), (5, 7, 8)],
[(6, 2, 4), (6, 4, 9)],
[(7, 1, 6), (7, 2, 7), (7, 3, 5), (7, 5, 8)]
sol, edges = kruskal(formatEdges(g))
print(sol, edges)